Community Services for Children is a regional leader in early childhood education.

CSC operates Early Learning Resource Centers in five regions, which comprise 17 counties, across Pennsylvania. We are also the sole provider of Head Start and Early Head Start in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania, and our Head Start program is recognized as a national center of excellence. Our mission is to prepare young children and their families to succeed in learning and in life through innovative, comprehensive, leading-edge services.

Have questions? Choose the office location most convenient for you to get started.

June 28th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12

The Child Care Works program is designed to enable low-income families to maintain employment while ensuring children receive high quality child care.  The Child Care Works (CCW) program is a non-entitlement benefit made available through Federal and State funds.  Eligible families are assessed a family co-payment based on their income and family size.

While many circumstances can affect eligibility, a sample of assessed co-pays is listed below.

Visit to:

  • Apply for subsidized child care funding through the online application
  • Search for child care referrals


At times, additional verification forms will be required to complete your application or redetermination.  If the ELRC requests additional forms, you can download copies here:

Child Care Works Application – English 

Child Care Works Application – Spanish

Employment Verification Form – English

Employment Verification Form – Spanish

Self-Employment Schedule of Care

Self-Employment Verification of Income – English

Self-Employment Verification of Income – Spanish

Education Schedule Verification

Training Form

Homelessness Form

Authorization for Release – English

Authorization for Release – Spanish

If you have additional questions, please contact the ELRC office:

Scranton Office

Oppenheim Building
‌409 Lackawanna Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

570-866-2996 FAX

June 28th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12

Provider Communication Archive Region 12

June 28th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12

Scranton – 570-468-8144 or 833-229-6926

Siyheda H.Regional DirectorExt. 301
Christina J.Family Services SpecialistExt. 304
Shaniqua J.Family Services SpecialistExt. 307
Nicole M.Family Services SpecialistExt. 305
Christina C.Family Services SpecialistExt. 306
Aida R.Family Services SpecialistExt. 309
Maureen S.Family Services SpecialistExt. 308
Krystal C.Family Services ManagerExt. 302
Mary Ruth T.Provider Services SpecialistExt. 310
Aubryn W.STARS Quality Coach484-560-4166
Michelle G.STARS Quality Coach610-703-8590 
Emma B.Administrative SpecialistExt. 300

Stroudsburg – 570-994-1135 or 833-229-6926

Deb G.Provider Services ManagerExt.  303
Paulette K.Family Services SpecialistExt. 405
Leana Q.Family Services SpecialistExt. 403
Belinda O.Family Services SpecialistExt. 402
Marcia S.Provider Services SpecialistExt.  404
Lindsey T.STARS Quality Coach484-280-5826

ELRC Service Systems

Pamela C.VP of ELRC, Regions 11, 12, 13, 14, 16610-437-6000 x2105
Elizabeth S.Director of ELRC Service Systems610-437-6000 x2194
Mitchell H.Keystone STARS Designator610-437-6000 x2109
Catherine S.Administrative Specialist Grants610-437-6000 x2137
Jennifer I.Rapid Response Team Coordinator610-437-6000 x2112

June 28th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12

Family Communication Archive Region 12

June 28th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12

Department of Human Services

The Bureau of Certification Services is responsible for the regulation of all child care centers, group day care homes and family day care homes in Pennsylvania.

The certification bureau receives inquiries regarding a variety of topics, including:

  • The requirements and process for opening a child care facility.
  • The statutes and regulations for operating a child care facility.
  • The status and compliance history of specific facilities.
  • The complaints regarding child care facilities.

Scranton Office

100 Lackawanna Ave UNIT 2,

Scranton, PA 18503


United Way of Berks County

The United Way of Berks County brings together the right mix of people and organizations to identify community needs and support programming to address those needs. Each year, over 150,000 people in Berks County are helped through the work of United Way and their partners. As a partner agency, ELRC-Region 13 works in collaboration with the United Way of Berks County to support families and child care providers through a variety of initiatives.

25 N. 2nd Street

Suite 101

Reading, PA 19601


Professional Development Organization

The PDO is breaking down barriers to accessing higher education for the early childhood practitioner. The PDO can provide no-cost/low-cost tuition and other learning supports.  Staff can work with a higher education liaison to support their enrollment in a certificate, CDA or degreed programs.

Shippensburg University – PASSHE PDO

1871 Old Main Drive

Shippensburg University

Shippensburg, PA 17257

Phone: 717-422-6328 or 301-524-7752


Tuition Assistance

There are several available options for practitioners to obtain financial assistance when planning their career path. Rising STAR Tuition Assistance is provided through the PA Key and PACCA offers TEACH. See the following links to learn more.

PA Key


Directors Network

ELRC Region 12 facilitates monthly Directors Network groups.  These groups provide the child care owner, director and leadership team an opportunity to network with other child care programs, share resources and address concerns facing the ECE community.  Directors Network invitations are found on the monthly Provider Link Newsletter.  You can also reach out to your Quality Coach for information on the next meeting.

 Michelle Gunshannon, (610) 703-8590 ,

Aubryn Wojkelewicz, (484) 560-4166,

Lindsey Turner, (484) 280-5826,

Find Your Elected Official

The actions of our government have an enormous impact on the future of our children and the early childhood community.  Every vote matters!  Find out who your elected official is and where they stand on the issues, visit Legislative Alert Center.

June 28th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12

Pennsylvania 211
If you need to connect with resources in your community, but don’t know where to look, PA 211 is a great place to start. From help with a utilities bill, to housing assistance, and more, you can dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free.

The Board of Commissioners of Pike County have established new child care scholarship, mortgage assistance, and landlord incentive programs.

Child Care Scholarships

Child care scholarships are available for families who live in Pike County that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have income below 80% of the area median – up to $63,100 for a family of four. Eligible participants may receive up to six (6) consecutive months of assistance with child care payments.

Mortgage Assistance

Homeowners who reside in Pike County, are behind in mortgage payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and have income less than 80% of the area median can receive up to three (3) months of assistance with mortgage payments.

The county also has funding available to assist renters who are behind on their rent and utility payments through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

Landlord Incentive

A new incentive is available to help landlords create or maintain affordable housing in Pike County. In exchange for up to $25,000 of assistance with eligible repairs, landlords who participate in the program will agree to rent units to households with income below 80% of the area median and to charge rent at or below the fair market rent – currently $1,368 for a two-bedroom apartment. 

For more information, go to or contact Robert Ruiz, Executive Director for Human Services at Pike County.

These projects were financed by a grant from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, under the administration of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development.

June 28th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12

ELRC Region 12 Header

Each regional ELRC office is a one-stop shop for all your early education needs. Whether you are a parent or guardian, seeking information on enrolling a child in a high-quality pre-K program; need help paying for child care; or are a child care provider seeking support or training, our qualified staff is ready to assist.

Region 12 serves the following counties: Carbon, Lackawanna, Monroe, Pike, Wayne and Susquehanna.

Choose from one of the following services below that fits your needs, or call one of our offices for help.

June 26th, 2018

Posted In: Region 12