The Bureau of Certification Services is responsible for the regulation of all child care centers, group day care homes and family day care homes in Pennsylvania.
The certification bureau receives inquiries regarding a variety of topics, including:
The United Way of Berks County brings together the right mix of people and organizations to identify community needs and support programming to address those needs. Each year, over 150,000 people in Berks County are helped through the work of United Way and their partners. As a partner agency, ELRC-Region 13 works in collaboration with the United Way of Berks County to support families and child care providers through a variety of initiatives.
The PDO is breaking down barriers to accessing higher education for the early childhood practitioner. The PDO can provide no-cost/low-cost tuition and other learning supports. Staff can work with a higher education liaison to support their enrollment in a certificate, CDA or degreed programs.
There are several available options for practitioners to obtain financial assistance when planning their career path. Rising STAR Tuition Assistance is provided through the PA Key and PACCA offers TEACH. See the following links to learn more.
ELRC Region 12 facilitates monthly Directors Network groups. These groups provide the child care owner, director and leadership team an opportunity to network with other child care programs, share resources and address concerns facing the ECE community. Directors Network invitations are found on the monthly Provider Link Newsletter. You can also reach out to your Quality Coach for information on the next meeting.
Michelle Gunshannon, (610) 703-8590 ,
Aubryn Wojkelewicz, (484) 560-4166,
The actions of our government have an enormous impact on the future of our children and the early childhood community. Every vote matters! Find out who your elected official is and where they stand on the issues, visit Legislative Alert Center.