Children playing in classroom

Continuing Education – for Providers

PD Registry

Seek out professional development opportunities for program staff.  All staff need to create an account and complete their personal profile before they can register for trainings.

PD Registry

Career Pathways

Career Pathways define entry level qualifications and steps a practitioner can take to ensure they have the skills, knowledge and competencies needed to accomplish the position they seek. The Career Pathway is established by the PA Key. Practitioners can upload their credentials to the PD Registry to receive an official placement.

Career Pathways

Professional Development Organization (PDO) 

Professional Development Organizations (PDOs) will drive local degree attainment through clearly articulated career pathways. Equitable, relevant career pathways will be accessible to aspiring early educators and those seeking to increase their qualifications, across settings.

Professional Development Organizations (PDOs)

Financial Assistance

There are several available options for practitioners to obtain financial assistance when planning their career path. Rising STAR Tuition Assistance is provided through the PA Key and PACCA offers TEACH. See the following links to learn more.

PA Key